"When one teaches, two learn" - Robert Heinlein

Category: EDCI 339: Blog Replies

Topic 3 Blog Response – Carly

Carly I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I really enjoyed how it was organized and you included your own experiences and ideas while reviewing each reading from this topic.

I enjoyed your comment about design principle #5. I to never recognized the potential of online learning in regards to oral language learning and I am interested to see how educators support that using a digital forum. I also agree with your statement that “allowing students the opportunity to make their own decisions regarding their own learning is crucial because it requires them to take responsibility of their own learning and learn about what works best for them personally (Heemskerk, 2020)”. It is so important that students are able to engage in learning autonomy and have opportunities that motivate them to engage in more learning experiences.

I am interested to know how you think we can implement more of Kral’s design principles into our everyday classrooms.

Also how do you think we can use digital platforms to encourage the development of oral second language learning.

P.S. you forgot the citation for Selwyn’s article 🙂

Topic 2 Blog Response – Carly

Carly! I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week! I especially enjoyed reading your connections to the topic’s readings regarding the First Peoples Principles of Learning. It is so important to relate our teaching and our learning to these principles in order to give all students an understanding of these principles and a deeper learning experience.

I also agree with your comment regarding Bates’ idea that online learning is not intended  “to replace the teacher, but to use… technology primarily to increase and improve communication between teacher and learners”. Online learning could definitely be a way to build stronger relationships within the classroom whether it be between the students and the instructor or the classmates themselves. Students can learn how to collaborate on different mediums other than face to face as well as develop new digital literacy and citizenship skills.

I am also interested how we can support students who are in situations where they don’t have access to online learning materials. I am also wondering how can we further connect online and open learning to the First Peoples Principles of Learning.

Carly’s Topic 2 Blog Post


Bates, T.(2014). Learning Theories and Online Learning. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Topic 1 Blog Response – Carly

Carly! I really enjoyed reading your article regarding the material explore in Topic 1!

I thought that your blog was well, written, concise, and easy to follow. I enjoyed that you included some quotes from your references especially the one provided my Martin (2019) “once the relationship was established, [teachers are] able to have meaningful conversations with the students to learn what they could do to help them and engage with them” (p. 9). This quote really grasped the main takeaway that I had from this week’s topic; the importance of providing purposeful experiences and interaction to further promote growth, understanding, and building of knowledge.  I also enjoyed your use of questions throughout your blog. I too would like to discover how  we may teach our youngest students the importance of safe communication.

I am interested to hear more about the COI framework and some specifics regarding each aspect of it. I am wondering if you thought of making a video or slide set to summarize your findings or explore the ideas further?

Carly’s Corner -Topic 1


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