Carly! I really enjoyed reading your article regarding the material explore in Topic 1!

I thought that your blog was well, written, concise, and easy to follow. I enjoyed that you included some quotes from your references especially the one provided my Martin (2019) “once the relationship was established, [teachers are] able to have meaningful conversations with the students to learn what they could do to help them and engage with them” (p. 9). This quote really grasped the main takeaway that I had from this week’s topic; the importance of providing purposeful experiences and interaction to further promote growth, understanding, and building of knowledge.  I also enjoyed your use of questions throughout your blog. I too would like to discover how  we may teach our youngest students the importance of safe communication.

I am interested to hear more about the COI framework and some specifics regarding each aspect of it. I am wondering if you thought of making a video or slide set to summarize your findings or explore the ideas further?

Carly’s Corner -Topic 1