Carly I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I really enjoyed how it was organized and you included your own experiences and ideas while reviewing each reading from this topic.

I enjoyed your comment about design principle #5. I to never recognized the potential of online learning in regards to oral language learning and I am interested to see how educators support that using a digital forum. I also agree with your statement that “allowing students the opportunity to make their own decisions regarding their own learning is crucial because it requires them to take responsibility of their own learning and learn about what works best for them personally (Heemskerk, 2020)”. It is so important that students are able to engage in learning autonomy and have opportunities that motivate them to engage in more learning experiences.

I am interested to know how you think we can implement more of Kral’s design principles into our everyday classrooms.

Also how do you think we can use digital platforms to encourage the development of oral second language learning.

P.S. you forgot the citation for Selwyn’s article 🙂