"When one teaches, two learn" - Robert Heinlein

Author: katerose Page 3 of 7

Topic 2 Blog Response – Carly

Carly! I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week! I especially enjoyed reading your connections to the topic’s readings regarding the First Peoples Principles of Learning. It is so important to relate our teaching and our learning to these principles in order to give all students an understanding of these principles and a deeper learning experience.

I also agree with your comment regarding Bates’ idea that online learning is not intended  “to replace the teacher, but to use… technology primarily to increase and improve communication between teacher and learners”. Online learning could definitely be a way to build stronger relationships within the classroom whether it be between the students and the instructor or the classmates themselves. Students can learn how to collaborate on different mediums other than face to face as well as develop new digital literacy and citizenship skills.

I am also interested how we can support students who are in situations where they don’t have access to online learning materials. I am also wondering how can we further connect online and open learning to the First Peoples Principles of Learning.

Carly’s Topic 2 Blog Post


Bates, T.(2014). Learning Theories and Online Learning. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Topic 2 Blog Post


How would you describe the historical and theoretical trends in k-12 online and distributed learning? What did you already know, what do you know now based on the course readings and activities, what do you hope to learn?


Topic 2 Notes – EDCI 339


Before this topic, I was unaware of how far back the use of online and distributed learning went especially in Canada. It was interesting to read about the inner workings of distributed and online learning in Canada and how it varies across the country as well as how learning theories and the definitions of open, distributed, online, and e-learning have developed, grown and changed over the years.

Learning Theories:


Behaviorists believe that “it is possible to reinforce through reward or punishment the association between any particular stimulus or event and a particular behavioral response (Bates, 2014).” Behaviorism promotes the use of reward and punishment to encourage students to reach the  outcome desired and encourages the use of determining student learning and growth through “pre-defined and measurable outcomes (Bates, 2014)”.


Cognitivists believe that “if we are to understand learning we cannot confine ourselves to measurable behavior, but must also concern ourselves with the learner’s ability mentally to reorganize his psychological field… in response tp experience (Bates, 2014).” In other words, the learning occurs  through the student’s personal interpretation of the knowledge as they engage in real-world experiences. “Cognitive psychology is concerned with identifying and describing mental processes that affect learning, thinking and behavior, and the conditions that influence those mental processes (Bates, 2014).” Most importantly, cognitivism focuses on teaching students how to learn.

Cognitivists also link mind to computer as basic mental processes is considered to be “hard-wired (Bates, 2014)” which can be affected by external factors. This idea has led to growth in technological education. This includes intelligent tutoring systems, artificial intelligence, pre-determined learning outcomes, and instructional design approaches.


Constructivism focuses on the personal aspects of a learner’s education including social interaction and free will. It is argued that “individuals consciously strive for meaning to make sense of their environment in terms of past experience and their present state (Bates, 2014)”.

Most importantly it is stated that learning must be a social experience to gain the most positive outcome. interaction between the student, their instructors, and their classmates is essential to optimum learning.

This links back to the importance of social communication for optimal learning suggested by Garrett Dikkers (2018) and Roberts et Al. (2018), 


Connectivism focuses on learner autonomy, openness, diversity in content, and interactivity and is more geared towards the role of the individual learner. This learning theory is more acceptable for an informal learning environment (Bates, 2014).



Open Education Practices: 

Practices which “support the productions, and reuse of high quality open educational resources (OER) through institutional policies, which promote innovative pedagogical models, and respect and empower learners as coproducers on their lifelong learning path (Roberts et Al., p. 528)”.

  • Originally named open learning
  • initially introduced to remove the barriers of a closed environment and open up learning
  • Now includes Open Software, data, and learning.
  • Supported by:
    • Dewey (1916) – learning from and with each other
    • Vygotsky (1978) – learning is shaped by sociocultural factors
    • Paquette (2005) – based on individual differences, growth, teacher acts as an indirect influence, developmentally appropriate learning outcomes (Roberts et Al., 2018).

Open Learning:

  • 8 principles
    • learner-centeredness
    • lifelong learning
    • flexibility in learning
    • removal of barriers to access
    • recognition of prior learning experiences and current competencies
    • learner support
    • expectations of success
    • cost effectiveness (Roberts et Al., 2018, p.529)

Blended Learning:

  • Part through online learning, some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace
  • Part in traditional school setting
  • Modalities in each learning journey within subjects are connected to provide an integrated learning experiences (Roberts et Al., 2018, p.539).

E-Learning/Online Learning

  • “The implementation of computer technologies to education. E-learning can take many forms, whether it is used face to face in classrooms, as a share of required classroom activities or stroke work (e.g. online discussions), or to deliver a fully online course. E-learning can include distance education as well as traditional in-class instruction (Barbour and LaBonte, 2018, p. 601) “


  • Education varies across the country, ministries develop curriculum to respect the uniqueness of each province
  • Distance Education used for almost 100 years
  • B.C. began using distance ed. in 1919 and began virtual schools in 1993
  • Online and blended programs vary from traditional distance education models, to all online or a blended model
  • One of the highest per capita student enrollment in e-learning programs
  • one of the first countries to use the internet to deliver distance eduction
  • Most programs in Canada use a blended learning format, asynchronous online format, or video conferencing (Barbour and LaBonte, 2018).

British Columbia:

  • 59 district distributed learning schools
  • 16 private distributed learning schools
  • The ministry of Education manages a list of all courses offered by distributed learning schools and provides content and online hosting services (Barbour and LaBonte, 2018).


Moving on:

I am interested to look further into the affect of social interaction on student growth, development, and learning. How can we promote this with younger students?

How can we promote the use of blended learning system with younger students and those with exceptionalities?

How can we encourage collaboration through online medium with our exceptional students and our primary students?

To what scale do each of the learning theories fit with distributed and open learning> What about multimedia learning theories?



Roberts, V. , Blomgren, C. Ishmael, K. & Graham, L. (2018) Open Educational Practices in K-12 Online and Blended Learning Environments. In R. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp. 527–544). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.

Barbour, M & Labonte, R. (2018) An Overview of eLearning Organizations and Practices in Canada. ​In R. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp. 600-616). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.

Bates, T.(2014). Learning Theories and Online Learning. [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.tonybates.ca/2014/07/29/learning-theories -and-online-learning/​.

Topic 1 Blog Response – Carly

Carly! I really enjoyed reading your article regarding the material explore in Topic 1!

I thought that your blog was well, written, concise, and easy to follow. I enjoyed that you included some quotes from your references especially the one provided my Martin (2019) “once the relationship was established, [teachers are] able to have meaningful conversations with the students to learn what they could do to help them and engage with them” (p. 9). This quote really grasped the main takeaway that I had from this week’s topic; the importance of providing purposeful experiences and interaction to further promote growth, understanding, and building of knowledge.  I also enjoyed your use of questions throughout your blog. I too would like to discover how  we may teach our youngest students the importance of safe communication.

I am interested to hear more about the COI framework and some specifics regarding each aspect of it. I am wondering if you thought of making a video or slide set to summarize your findings or explore the ideas further?

Carly’s Corner -Topic 1


Week 1 – Build a PLN/Social Media

To start of the creation of my ePortfolio for EDCI339, I chose to Build a PLN/Social Media. For this activity we were asked to add a tweet to the #EDCI339 course hashtag and explore the Twitter stream.

Before this course, I was never interested in downloading the Twitter application and engaging in its online community. I just never saw the appeal of it. I was happy sticking with the current social media applications I have. However now I have created my own twitter handle (@KateRose_McG) and I have started to explore the opportunities that the application has to offer.

Here are first tweets I made:

I found that Twitter can be really helpful it sharing helpful links, advice, and ideas between fellow students, instructors, and others beyond. It can also be a great place to ask questions, receive answers, and explore new ideas and passions.

I connected this activity to the course learning outcome regarding practicing digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about distributed and open learning. As I created a new online presence for myself and explored a new application I was able to practice and gain further understanding of digital networking. I was also able to observe how others share ideas regarding distributed and open learning. Twitter enforces open learning as plenty of resources are available with the click of the mouse and learners are able to communicate with others to further their learning journey.


Topic 1 Blog Post

How can teachers effectively build relationships by encouraging safe communication and interactions in K-12 online & open learning spaces? What did you already know, what do you know now based on the course readings and activities, what do you hope to learn?

Topic 1 Question Response:

Response Slides

         Throughout my elementary and high school career I never truly engaged in purposeful online learning. It wasn’t until I began taking some upgrading courses after graduation that I participated in a course where the entirety of the material was presented online. These courses were mainly delivered using a learner-content interaction method as I was never given the opportunity to explore material alongside or communicate with an instructor nor fellow students.

With the recent events regarding COVID-19, I have been able to engage in various means of online learning as the end of the past school year moved online and future courses have gone digital. The courses I have taken have allowed me to engage in multiple means of interaction and learning experiences including learner- learner, learner – content, and learner- instructor. Each course uses different activities and modes of delivery to promote student engagement and encourage student interaction and collaboration. Personally, I have found that being able to interact and communicate with fellow students as well as having the ability to reach out and gain further explanation from an instructor throughout an online course allows me to ultimately better understand material and assignments given rather than attempting sift through and develop an understanding of the material alone.

The societal push for further online learning in the recent months has really emphasized the opportunities available for online learning in K-12 education as well as the benefits for developing an online presence. I have rarely seen students within the K-7 levels participate in structured online learning. As students now engage in digital learning on a daily basis, it has made students, parents, and teachers aware that learning can be fulfilling outside of the classroom as students are given more choices on how to complete projects and material as well as how they make their way through the material. Further, If educators can build an understanding for creating a strong online presence they may be able to foster relationships with their students that may further their academic success. For example, some students may feel more comfortable completing work online and communicating with their instructor digitally rather than face-face this could allow those students to deepen their understanding and develop a strong relationship with their instructor. Furthermore, if students are able to communicate with their fellow classmates and instructors they can build relationship that may allow them to gain better understanding of academic material as instructors can introduce the instruction in a variety of ways vis text, email, video, or face to face web video and peers can deepen discussion and inquiries that further learning.


Garrett Dickers, A. (2018) Social Interaction in K-12 Online Learning. In R. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp. 509-522 ). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.

Final Application Evaluation of GoNoodle.

For our app evaluation we researched the benefits of GoNoodle based on Mayer’s Multimedia Principles. Check out a quick overview of the GoNoodle site before we begin with sharing our findings. 

GoNoodle allows educators to provide students with extra physical activity opportunities throughout the day and we know that “students do better in school when they are emotionally and physically healthy” (ASCD, 2012, p. 4). GoNoodle uses Multimedia Principles such as temporal contiguity to benefit students’ emotional and physical health as well as improve their learning. By presenting words, music and full body movements, students are engaging in what is known as the “whole child approach” as described by the ASCD. The whole child approach aims to get students “engaged and motivated” (ASCD, 2012, p. 8). We know that the multimedia principles are a great resource to create engaging lessons for all students; therefore, it is evident that the whole child approach should be built off of making use of Mayer’s principles.

 Check out their website for further information and suggestions to create a classroom that teaches to the whole child. 

In a research study on the impact of short sessions of physical activity two positive outcomes were found. In this study they refer to these short sessions as energizers which are typically 10 minutes long, similar to the GoNoodle videos. Through this study, energizers were found to increase physical activity levels in students grades K-4 and improve task behaviour for students in grade 3 and 4 (Mahar. 2011. p. S63). Interestingly, the article states that the effects of such energizers on “on-task behavior were stronger for the students who needed it the most” (Mahar. 2011. p. S63). This refers to the students who were the “least on-task at baseline” (Mahar. 2011. p. S63). For students who are regularly active, or for those who have a difficult time staying focused on task, energizers such as GoNoodle can be a great way to offer them a break and regroup. 

Incorporating movement into the classroom can be a great way to promote healthy physical activity as well as improve the overall understanding and retention of academic material. As the multimedia principles suggest, students may learn better from words and pictures rather than either alone. The same idea can be related to the use of linking movement and information to reinforce key concepts. When movement is used to deliver academic material, the brain may create a mental cue or picture which can allow the learner to easily recall the essential information later on. Furthermore, movement can assist students in their cognitive processes. As the brain begins to process the learned material, it must sort and organize the information through the various stages of memory. The movement can then allow the learner to make connections with previous knowledge and new knowledge, and overall develop a stronger understanding and retain more concepts . Moreover, movement can increase concentration and reboot students’ attention and better their academic performance, which links back to the concept of “brain breaks”(Harrison, 2019).

Here, we have put together a short sample lesson, in which GoNoodle is used. This lesson, titled “Let’s Talk About Patterns”, is intended to introduce the concept of basic patterns to students at the kindergarten level. The lesson begins with an interactive slide presentation where multimedia (in-class narration and text) will be used to introduce the topic and key ideas. For the cultivating activity, a GoNoodle video will be used to reinforce what has been learned. The video will allow the students to hear different examples of patterns, connect movement to those patterns, as well as recognize that patterns can come in many forms. This lesson plan aims to demonstrate how an educator may use GoNoodle in their classroom as a way to enforce and practice new concepts.

Google Slides – Let’s talk about Patterns

GoNoodle has so much to offer in terms of helping students develop mindfulness, healthy lifestyles, and deepen academic understanding, but how effective is it in regards to being an appropriate and efficient educational multimedia application? 

When evaluating any application in terms of the Multimedia principle of Learning, it is important to remember that an application can still be considered effective even if it only ticks off some of the boxes as some of the principles are inclined to contradict each other.

GoNoodle does fill many of the requirements for each multimedia learning principle. While the videos provided may not be fitting every principle at the same time, many can be covered as each video is different and uses various aspects of media. Here are some examples along with corresponding videos:

Multimedia Principle – “Learning with words and pictures is more effective than learning with words alone (Butcher, K., 2014, p.175)” Lines and Angles, Blazer Fresh. GoNoodle follows the multimedia principle as every video contains some sort of combination of video or animation along with text and/or narration.

Modality Principle – Learning is more effective when auditory information and images are given rather than text and images (Low, R., Sweller, J., 2014). Let’s Unwind – Flow | GoNoodle GoNoodle follows the modality principle as some channels provide videos with mainly narration and imagery.

Signaling – Material is more effective when cues are added or highlighted (Van Gog, T., 2014.) Getcha Money Right – Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle. GoNoodle Follows the signalling principle as key words or information are often animated, spoken aloud, or highlighted.

Spatial Contiguity – “People learn more deeply from a multimedia message when corresponding words and pictures are presented near…each other (Mayer, R., Fiorella, L., 2014, p. 280).” Water Cycle – Blazer Fresh | Science Video | GoNoodle. GoNoodle Follows this principle as the text or narration and imagery are often seen or heard side by side.

Temporal Contiguity – “People learn more deeply from a multimedia message when corresponding animation and narration are presented simultaneously (Mayer, R., Fiorella, L., 2014, p. 280).” Melting – Flow | GoNoodle. GoNoodle follows this principle as animation and narration are consistently delivered at the same time.

Image – “People do not necessarily learn more deeply from a multimedia presentation when the speaker’s image is on the screen (Mayer, R., 2014, p.346).” Bring it Down – Flow | GoNoodle. GoNoodle follows this principle as some channels exclusively use animation and narration with no speaker on screen.

Embodiment – “People learn more deeply when on-screen agents display humanlike gesturing, movement, eye contact, and facial expressions (Mayer, R., 2014, p.346)” Strengthen Your Focus-Empower Tools. GoNoodle follows this principle as some channels incorporate speakers on screen or animations that generate humanlike movement.

Redundancy – Providing the same information in too many formats at the same time can interfere with learning (Kalyuga, S., Sweller, J., 2014). GoNoodle does not follow the redundancy principle as many videos often include text, narration, as well as imagery to accommodate the needs of all learners; however, this could be overwhelming to some.

Coherence – “People learn more deeply from a multimedia message when extraneous material is excluded (Mayer, R., Fiorella, L., 2014, p.280).” GoNoodle does not always follow this principle as many videos also include extra information or narration such as jokes or “one-liners” that are intended to engage students.

Principles and chapters retrieved from Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (Mayer, 2014)

To dive further into our evaluation of GoNoodle we examined several reviews on the software and gained an understanding of student perspective. We made a Google Slide with our findings. 

Lastly we used the University of Western Ontario rubric for evaluating multimedia apps. To show our thorough evaluation we made a Canva presentation.



Anstey, L. M., & Watson, G. P. L. (n.d.). Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from https://teaching.uwo.ca/pdf/elearning/Rubric-for-eLearning-Tool-Evaluation.pdf

ASCD. (2012). Making the Case for Educating the Whole Child. Alexandria, Virginia: Retrieved from: http://www.wholechildeducation.org/assets/content/mx-resources/WholeChild-MakingTheCase.pdf

 GoNoodle, Inc. “‎GoNoodle – Kids Videos.” App Store, 2015, apps.apple.com/ca/app/gonoodle-kids-videos/id1050712293.

GoNoodle | Get Moving. (Jan 31, 2017). Getcha Money Right – Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle. [Youtube] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMSAzl6V95M

GoNoodle | Get Moving. (Aug 22, 2016). Strengthen Your Focus- Empower Tools. [Youtube] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vuaCHEAs-4

GoNoodle | Get Moving. (Aug 24, 2016) Bring it Down | Flow | GoNoodle.  [Youtube] Retrieved from : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRkILioT_NA

GoNoodle | Get Moving (Mar 9, 2020). Melting – Flow | GoNoodle. [Youtube] retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTzX

GoNoodle | Get Moving. (May 29, 2017). Water Cycle – Blazer Fresh | Science Video | GoNoodle. [Youtube] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-59ljA4BsFPh6CPI

Longinos, J. (Sept 22, 2019). Let’s Unwind – Flow | GoNoodle. [Youtube] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4gkvyZYxb0

Mahar, Matthew T. “Impact of Short Bouts of Physical Activity on Attention-to-Task in Elementary School Children.” ScienceDirect, 31 Jan. 2011, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091743511000545?casa_token=32vm2kqoPCMAAAAA%3ACjwB63x973cHy3MFgCjULoSzOgsjmbeEdUhYE75nL-JI5I3tnQJTu9bEtMtVg0i4-aVlfcKFog. 

Mayer, R. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139547369

Sorenson, K. (May 20, 2020). Lines and Angles, Blazer Fresh. [Youtube] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndu7zkbQVoc


The Feedback Principle Remix – Feat. Natalie and Carly

Our learning pod decided to remix Chapter 19 from The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning : “The Feedback Principle in Multimedia Learning” (Mayer, 2014). The authors, Johnson and Priest, suggest that “students learn better with explanatory feedback than with corrective feedback alone” (2014. p. 449). Explanatory feedback can be described as a “principle-based explanation of why [the] answer is correct or incorrect” (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 450). Opposingly, corrective feedback refers to feedback that only informs the learner on the correctness of their answer. The article includes various research studies and there is significant data that supports the theory that explanatory feedback offers students a more enriched learning experience. Continuing on, feedback needs to be presented in accordance with the other Multimedia Principles in order for it to be effective. We all were interested to learn about the potential drawbacks of excessive explanatory feedback. The authors share that although explanatory feedback is more beneficial for novice students, sometimes advanced students will benefit from corrective feedback.  

The feedback principle is based on the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 450). In the CTML there are three assumptions made on how learners process information. Two of which closely overlap with the dual coding theory. The assumptions are: there are separate channels for verbal and visual information processing and each processing channel is limited in the amount of information it can receive (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 450). These concepts are explained almost identically in Mahon’s Vimeo on dual coding theory. However, Mahon goes into further detail and explains that when similar information is stored in both verbal and visual channels, the information recall is much better than if it were stored in only one channel. This occurs because when similar information is received in two forms it “reduce[s] any cognitive load” therefore, limiting the amount of stress on the working memory (Johns. 2019).

Retrieved from: https://sciencetltoolkit.wordpress.com/2019/03/11/20-ideas-strategies-for-student-led-dual-coding/ by Tom Johns

Another key aspect of the feedback principle is that it should “prompt active processing” (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 455). According to the CTML there are three types of processing which occur during learning: generative processing, essential processing, and extraneous processing. When feedback is effective it allows the student to engage in generative processing which is a form of processing that is “aimed at making sense of the essential material” (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 451). When feedback is given poorly, it can send the learner into extraneous processing. Extraneous processing is defined as a type of cognitive processing “that occurs as a result of poor instructional design that does not serve the educational goal” (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 450). This form of processing can overwhelm the learner as they “must figure out why the answer was wrong” (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 451). Lowered learning outcomes can be a result of extraneous learning as it limits learners’ cognitive resources. (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 451). Emphasizing the importance of quality feedback that encourages generative processing.

When one is delivering feedback, it can be given in one of two forms, explanatory or corrective. As stated before, both forms inform the learner whether their responses were correct or incorrect; however corrective feedback simply states whether the answer given was right or wrong while explanatory feedback offers the learner a reasoning behind why their response was considered correct or incorrect (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 450). Having the opportunity to deliver explanatory feedback allows learners to engage in generative processing. When questions are delivered to students to measure their understanding, they are generally aimed toward understanding essential information. If explanatory feedback is given following these questions, students receive further reasoning behind the outcome of the response and may develop more clarity of the essential information needed to understand the concept being learned. As explanatory feedback aims to provide clarity and understanding of information, it relates closely to the signalling principle presented in Mayer’s Principles of Multimedia Learning. 

The signaling principle suggests that students are able to develop a deeper understanding of information delivered within a multimedia presentation when “cues are added that guide attention to the relevant elements of the material or highlight the organization of the essential material (van Gog. 2014. p.263.)” Explanatory feedback can be used to highlight the essential information and help students further understand the key elements of a concept; therefore, it fulfills the criteria presented by the signaling principle. As explanatory feedback is given, it enables learners to select the appropriate and relevant information needed and furthermore, “allow[s] the learner to repair their knowledge at that moment (Johnson, Priest. 2014. p. 451.)”

Ultimately, explanatory and corrective feedback can be related to both types of assessment: summative and formative. Explanatory feedback encourages students to expand their learning and focus on the process; just like formative assessment does. However,  when students are being assessed on the terms of right or wrong, they are likely to rush through in order just to get the correct answer. Unfortunately this means they are missing out on the importance of problem solving and falling into a pattern of rote learning; similarly, this can be seen when using summative assessment such as standardized testing. Ultimately, it is up to educators to choose whether explanatory or corrective feedback will create a classroom that values the learning process over the final product. 

We created a Kahoot to demonstrate what corrective feedback looks like. When playing the game, students will receive a quick yes or no in response to their answer. This can be very challenging for students when they are trying to solidify facts and knowledge. With that being said, corrective feedback can be helpful in certain scenarios and Kahoot is definitely a fun way to engage students!  


We concluded that FreshGrade is the best platform to support students through active and constant feedback. Explanatory feedback is taken to the next level when FreshGrade is brought into the picture because it involves students, parents and the educator. Take a look at how Fresh  Grade is currently being used in British Columbian classrooms!


McFadzien states that “effective feedback” should be “specific, descriptive, [and] time appropriate” (2015, p.16). Additionally, we know that feedback is crucial in terms of the development of our students. Furthermore, instead of only providing students with feedback twice a year on their report card, FreshGrade continuously allows students to see what they are doing well, where they need improvement and the best part is that it is all in one place so the students’ progress is extremely evident.

In conclusion, after reading the feedback principle chapter we were better able to understand how it relates to all of the multimedia principles from Mayer’s textbook. Finally, we all took a chance to reflect on our teaching practices and reconsidered how we will provide students with feedback in our future classrooms. 


Kate, Carly, and Natalie



FreshGrade. (2018, April 2). FreshGrade: Coquitlam School District’s Story. Youtube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=148&v=73GjK71JEhY&feature=emb_logo

Johns, Tom. (2019, March 11.) 20 ideas & strategies for Student Led Dual Coding. Teaching and Learning Toolbox for Student Led Dual Coding. Retrieved from: https://sciencetltoolkit.wordpress.com/2019/03/11/20-ideas-strategies-for-student-led-dual-coding/

Johnson, C., & Priest, H. (2014). The Feedback Principle in Multimedia Learning. In R. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 449-463). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139547369.023

Mayor, R. E. (August, 2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139547369.

McFadzien, N. (2015) Why is effective feedback so critical in teaching and learning? Journal of Initial Teacher Inquiry, (pp. 469-481). Retrieved from: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/989f/ad2627f5f7b0269c5db249baa96b5bd5e8ef.pdf

Van Gog, T. (2014). The Signaling (or Cueing) Principle in Multimedia Learning. In R. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 263-278). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139547369.014

Kahoot!. Retrieved from: https://create.kahoot.it/share/types-of-animals/b39ecab7-fc34-4b4f-969a-828a96d938ec


Group Vote for Evaluation of a Multimedia Application

We chose…



@GoNoodle on Twitter

After some quick discussion, our learning pod decided to go with the application GoNoodle for our group evaluation.

  GoNoodle is a free application for educators to use within their everyday classroom. This program revolves around the use of videos to promote healthy activity and mental wellness in young students. The videos provide engaging narration and pictures to grab the attention of students and lead them through different exercises. There are many different channels and categories to choose videos from and there is something for almost every focus. Educators can choose videos based on what they need for their class whether it be for relaxation, to cover academic subjects, for brain breaks, or to practice mental and emotional well-being.

 The choice to evaluate this application was an easy decision for our group. After reviewing each other’s individual application evaluations, we quickly decided to go with GoNoodle. Each of us have had our own experiences using GoNoodle in various settings and all have been positive. We have had the chance to observe students of various ages participating and engaging in the active videos during field experience opportunities, classroom volunteering, or even our own classes. From what we have observed, these active videos have been received positively by the students and educators. However; we want to explore this program further. To what extent does this program benefit students physically? Mentally? Academically? How secure is it in terms of privacy and security? How accessible is it for use in varied settings?

 We see GoNoodle as a positive and engaging educational tool that can be beneficial to the physical and personal well-being of students as it promotes active movement and healthy thinking. We are looking forward to looking at this application more in depth and discovering how effective it is for students’ growth and how much it benefits their development and learning.

Retrieved from: www.tes.com


Individual Evaluation of GoNoodle

Personal Experience

When it was time for me to begin this project, I wasn’t quite sure which EdTech Application to evaluate. Fortunately, as I was scrolling through lists of various educational applications, I came across one of my favourite programs GoNoodle. I have used this application frequently while teaching various programs but I never quite connected it to multimedia. But now, knowing what I know about multimedia from our previous topics, I can see how it would classified as social media.

GoNoodle provides videos which include demonstrations, pictures, narration, and text to engage students of many ages in physical activity and promote the importance of mental and emotional well-being. I use this program often in my dance classes or summer camps with young students when they are need of a change in pace or need some structured relaxation. I am looking forward to learning more and I hope to explore this program more through this assignment.


How it works

GoNoodle is an educational program that provides short interactive videos for various types of classrooms and is geared towards students in Kindergarten and Grades 1 through 5. Physical Activity and personal wellness are promoted through engaging videos provided by multiple channels. Videos are organized based by channel (who the videos were created by) or by categories such as academic subject, areas of mindfulness, various physical skills, or types of movement. These videos can be used by teachers throughout the day for any reason including action breaks, breathing break, or regrouping. I find this to be a great source of engaging physical activity especially when time or space is limited within the classroom and there is a need to get students moving.


Accessibility/ Design

 This education application is free for all educators and is available to parents and students in their own home which makes it very accessible for everyone. However, some technical elements are required to engage in this program such as a computer, a large screen to view, or internet. This may make it less accessible to those who do not have access to these items.

This program was largely designed to promote healthy activity and mindfulness in young children. The goal of each video provided is to focus attention, benefit the brain and exercise the body. The program is also design for long term engagement. To provide motivation for completing more active videos, the classes are able to choose a virtual character and levels up as points are earned and videos are watched. It is also possible for Educators to set up more than one class under their account so each class can measure their own progress.



In regards to the privacy of this application this app appears safe to use. Educators are asked to create an account with minimal personal information being collected. The program asks for a name, email, a school name, and name to ensure that you are of age to register. Students are not able to create accounts or access the services themselves and there is no collection of students’ personal data (GoNoodle, 2020).

Watch this video to find out more.


Connection to Multimedia Learning Principles

I think that this program has the potential to fit every multimedia principle. As every video is created differently, depending on which video is selected, the multimedia principles within the media may be different. Saying this, most videos (but not all) follow the modality principle in which narration is used with video and picture rather than text as well as the spatial and temporal contiguity principles as images and words are presented simultaneously and close to each other (Mayer, 2014).




Image Modified from Original by Lefflerd’s on Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from:https://www.schoology.com/blog/samr-model-practical-guide-edtech-integration

Based on my reading regarding the SAMR model for evaluating and integrating EdTech, I believe GoNoodle falls under the category of Augmentation. In this model, augmentation means that a technological tool acts as a substitute for a traditional style of learning but their is improvement in students learning and productivity (L., 2017). GoNoodle fits this description as the active videos may substitute traditional command style learning or physical education but they allow students to work on and improve their mental and physical wellness.



GoNoodle. (2015, September 1). GoNoodle 101. Youtube. Retrieved from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgY9nzm1hpk

GoNoodle. (2020, June 12). About GoNoodle. GoNoodle. Retrieved from: https://support.gonoodle.com/article/241-what-is-gonoodle

L, H. (2017, October 30). SAMR Model: A Practical Guide for EdTech Integration. Retrieved June 16, 2020, from https://www.schoology.com/blog/samr-model-practical-guide-edtech-integration

Mayer, R. E. (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139547369

Blog Post #2: Sketchnote, Multimedia Learning Principles and H5P


I really love the idea of Sketch-noting as a way to capture and retain key information while learning. It allows learners a way to make their learning their own as they utilize their creativity and make note taking fun. Sketchnote incorporates art and text notes which rightfully follows the Multimedia Principles words and pictures are used simultaneously to build a deeper understanding of key concepts and ideas.

Here are the sketch notes I made while watching the video (What is Multimedia Learning? What is Multimedia? – Dr. Ray Pastore)  provided for topic 3.


Which multimedia learning (MML) principles did Dr. Ray Pastore now follow in his video about MML principles? Why might an expert not be able to follow all the principles when creating a multimedia learning object?

In his video, Dr. Ray Pastore did follow the redundancy Principle, the embodiment principle, or the modality Principle.

The redundancy principle states that “presenting the same information two times increases cognitive load and interferes with learning (Pastore, 2018).” This could be the delivery of any two types of media that interfere with each other such as a text along with narration.  As the same information is being delivered simultaneously in two verbal forms int becomes redundant and it can overwhelm learners. Pastore did not follow the criteria of this principle as he daily provided text along with narration without a non-verbal format in his video.

The embodiment principle states that some learners may not necessarily learn better with the speaker’s image appearing on the screen. Pastore did not follow this principle as his image was present throughout the video.

The modality principle is described as learners being able to learn better while words (narration) and pictures are better than words (text) and pictures. This allows learners to study and take in the information from an image while listening to the coinciding concept. Pastore did not follow this principle has he mainly provided only text and narration throughout the video (Pastore, 2018).

An expert may not be able to follow all the principles while creating a multimedia learning object as many of the principles can contradict each other. the principles are all dependent on what works best for the learner. Some learners may learn better from text along with pictures rather than narration and pictures which contradicts the modality principle. Some Learners may learn better when the speaker is in view which contradicts the embodiment principle. An expert could try to appease all the principles by providing click options, etc. but the principles may not all be satisfied at once as they contradict each other and it all depends on what works better for the learners that they are providing for.

Other thoughts or reflections on interactive and multimedia learning from any of these topics videos, readings, and H5P lab?

I was unable to attend the class lab which focused on H5P but as I made my way through the content of topic 3, I was able to navigate through the hands-on activity on my own. I think that H5P could be really useful to the creation of multimedia learning object as  various tools are provided which allows something to benefit every kind of learner. Looking at the Interactive video tool, I began to think about how useful this could be for learners as they can reflect on and solidify what they are learning throughout the video or in a conclusion summary quiz at the end. Further, by incorporating  questions throughout the video, it can help highlight what information may be important to retain.

Please enjoy my interactive video. In this video I experimented with interactive tools by inserting a text at the beginning and a reflective question at the end.


Pastore, R. (Director). (2018). What is Multimedia Learning? What is Multimedia? [Video file]. Retrieved 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-sknUVq1mk&feature=emb_title

Totorello, J. Westwoon, A. (TED-Ed). (2016). The Origins of Ballet – Jennifer Tortorello and Adrienne Westwood. [Video File]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEekFTj5PvU

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