To start of the creation of my ePortfolio for EDCI339, I chose to Build a PLN/Social Media. For this activity we were asked to add a tweet to the #EDCI339 course hashtag and explore the Twitter stream.

Before this course, I was never interested in downloading the Twitter application and engaging in its online community. I just never saw the appeal of it. I was happy sticking with the current social media applications I have. However now I have created my own twitter handle (@KateRose_McG) and I have started to explore the opportunities that the application has to offer.

Here are first tweets I made:

I found that Twitter can be really helpful it sharing helpful links, advice, and ideas between fellow students, instructors, and others beyond. It can also be a great place to ask questions, receive answers, and explore new ideas and passions.

I connected this activity to the course learning outcome regarding practicing digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about distributed and open learning. As I created a new online presence for myself and explored a new application I was able to practice and gain further understanding of digital networking. I was also able to observe how others share ideas regarding distributed and open learning. Twitter enforces open learning as plenty of resources are available with the click of the mouse and learners are able to communicate with others to further their learning journey.