Why and How Did I Adapt?

For my adapted cyberbullying lesson plan I chose a lesson plan provided by Common Sense Media called Be a Super Digital Citizen. This lesson aimed to teach students how they might be able to act as a powerful bystander when cyberbullying is witnessed while online. This lesson appealed to me because it a versatile lesson that can easily be adapted for younger or older grade levels. This particular lesson was originally geared toward Grade 4 students but I adapted to follow B.C.’s Grade 3 curriculum. Also, the idea of including superheroes! Originally this lesson opted to include a couple more written activities and to make it more accessible to younger students I opted to make some of the original activities into opportunities for think, pair, share, or class discussion. I think that having the opportunity for discussion gives younger students the opportunity to properly voice their thoughts, idea, and opinions as some may still struggle to translate their thoughts onto paper. There is also the opportunity to gain more insight into their complex thinking that we most likely wouldn’t get on paper. I also wanted to put my own spin on the activities and materials so I created my own using Canva. I used some of my own language while including some of the original language from the activities. If I were to adapt this lesson plan to have it gear towards older students, I would like to find a platform or application in which t hey can create an animation of a cyberbullying scenario or create an avatar digitally.

Check out my Adapted Lesson Plan!

Lesson Materials

Lesson Slides

(Materials adapted from materials provided within the lesson created by Common Sense Media. Some of the same language used.)

Resources and References

B.C. Ministry of Education. 2021. Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 3. Retrieved from https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/adst/3/core

B.C. Ministry of Education. 2021. Career Education 3. Retrieved from https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/career- education/3/core

B.C. Ministry of Education. 2021. English Language Arts 3. Retrieved from https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/english- language-arts/3/core

B.C. Ministry of Education. 2021. Physical Health and Education 3. Retrieved from https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/physical-health-education/3/core

Common Sense Media. 2021. Be a Super Digital Citizen Lesson Plan. Retrieved from https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship/lesson/be-a-super-digital-citizen