Since my last blog, I have gotten more comfortable with the song Rainbow Connection. The transitions between chords are becoming easier. The chords of E and D are getting easier, however, they still need work.  I have been able to play the song with the strumming pattern (down, up, up) at but I am struggling with keeping pace while transition between chords when the D or E is involved especially with the E because the placements are so far apart. From here, I will be working on memorization and the sound clarity and finger placements for the chords of E and D.

Rainbow Connection

Edelweiss and Somewhere Over the Rainbow are going well. I have memorized both fully and I have been able to play each song with full sounds for each chord, smooth transitions, and correct finger placements while singing along. I find it easier to play the songs when I sing along as it helps me remember the tune and which chords match the tune and when to transition between chords as the chords are often linked up to the words of the song. As we head into the home stretch before this musical growth project is finished, I will be working on memorization for all songs, maintaining clarity of sound for all chords, maintaining smooth transitions and correct finger placements, and singing along to each song.