In the last few days before the midterm, I have not had as much time to practice these two songs has thoroughly due to outside projects. I have been trying my best to run through the songs and become more familiar with the chords and strumming patterns. I have decided to continue to work on Edelweiss using the picking pattern instead of strumming to give myself more of a challenge. The Dm chord is still slowly but surely developing and improving. I was able to fully memorize this song and I am still working on keeping the entirety of the song up to tempo. I am also still working on making the chord transitions as smooth as I possibly can.

Edelweiss Video #1 – Picking

Edelweiss Video #2 – Strumming

As for Somewhere Over the Rainbow, it is coming along. I feel like I understand the chord transitions well and I am able to play the correct chord patterns along with the correct strumming pattern with only some hesitation. I am finding it difficult to change dinger positions quickly and smoothly through the quick transitions while strumming, but it is something that I will continue to practice. I am finding that I am also able to play most of the song from memory with some glances at the tab to help me out.  I am also finding that singing along while I play helps me tremendously. It helps me find my place in the timing and the chords and helps me remember the chord patterns. Having the tune sung out loud helps me figure out which chord to play when I forget the pattern.


Somewhere Over the Rainbow Video


Moving forward, I am looking forward to continuing practice with these two songs and to learning my third song.

beautiful, disney, and elements image

photo retrieved from Mary Lorelei on